Buku Sejarah Perempuan Indonesia adalah buku wajib setiap perempuan Indonesia yang hendak mempelajari feminisme. Sebelum kita mempelajari feminisme dan praktiknya lebih dalam, ada baiknya kita
Facebook had suspended and disabled my account for posting The Culture of Real Indonesian Women as they deemed as “nudity” and “sexually explicit”. Since I posted
Buku ini saya dapatkan ketika saya membaca artikel mengenai 9 Wanita Feminis Beragama Yang Harus Kamu Ketahui (9 Baddass Feminists of Faith You Should Know).
When most people asked me why I am still single, why am I not dependable on someone, why am I not traveling in couples… Well
When you hear the word BETCH you might think of it as a prostitute or a whore. But today’s modern world there are mainly two